Allen Video Research, Inc.  
  An Experimental Marketing Company
Communication is an experience someone out there has with your brand. That's an opportunity to dazzle. Persuade. Educate. And sell. To turn a prospect into a customer. A customer into a fan. Our goals are also the strength upon which we build client and customer depth. Formed in 2002 Allen Video Research has set out to be one of the premiere experimental marketing companies in the USA.
We are in the idea business. We provide Clients with customer driven insights, strategic communications programs and other marketing services that help them build the demand side of their business. Our success and growth are built on the quality of our Client base and the depth of our relationships. Using unconventional methods of field promotion, special event production, sponsorship placement, market research and alternative media planning and placement, it is the service model that redefined the world of on-premise marketing.
Methods designed to reach those elusive consumers who are less susceptible to traditional marketing and advertising is a key approach of Allen Video Research. Let's face it: some consumers don't like to be "sold." Which means traditional advertising campaigns won't always work. It becomes our job then, to find a less conventional, yet equally effective way to promote your product or service. For instance, at Coca-Cola they recently solicited teenagers in Harlem to act as "ambassadors". They sponsored concerts, created teen "hangouts," and, of course, handed out plenty of samples. On the street, this approach is called Guerilla Marketing. We leverage our knowledge about consumers in a way that's relevant to their lives. Lifestyle trend marketing identifies targets that are resistant to traditional advertising and creates opportunities to reach them on a local or national level.
Traditionally Allen Video Research sets up and executes sports, entertainment, and cause-related marketing programs nationally, regionally, and locally. Our programs can be tailored to reach a diverse audience, including consumers, the trade, your sales force, and more. Whether reinforcing positioning, enhancing image, stimulating trial or boosting sales, we create promotional marketing services that provide the vital link between the advertiser, the trade, and the customer. And then motivate that customer to action. From launching new brands, to building customer loyalty, to developing customized channel programs, we have you covered.
When it comes to new media, nothing replaces experience. Today, we bring all the best online resources together so your customers enjoy faster site access, easier navigation, and a more memorable experience. Its part of a larger equation designed to strengthen and complement the marketing you do off-line, from TV and radio, to print and direct mail.
One of the core services that helps define any company is its creative product. At Allen Video Research, we've partnered with award-winning professionals with experience in all media, in just about every product category you can imagine. Whether you need a product campaign, an innovative customer response package, a new promotional approach, interactive solution, or anything in-between, we'll offer you the creative that'll get you noticed and produce noticeable results.
Timothy A. Allen

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